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Website Accessibility

Features to enhance the website’s accessibility

These features have been provided to help make our site as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

  • All text should be resizable using your browser’s text-resize option.
  • If you use your own style sheet, it can be applied to allow changes in the site’s appearance without affecting the readability or accessibility of the information.
  • HTML heading elements have been used to represent page structure, supporting assistive technologies that allow page navigation from heading to heading.
  • All images have been given appropriate alternative text.
  • The navigation bar has been optimised for keyboard navigation.
  • The site has been tested to ensure that it is accessible in a wide range of browsers.

Keyboard access

  • On each page a ‘skip to main content’ link allows direct access past the navigation bars to the page’s main content, which should make navigation easier if you are using the keyboard or other input device to browse.

We have used the following Access keys on this website.

  • Access Key 0 – Go to access keys documentation page
  • Access Key 1 – Go to home page
  • Access Key 2 – Go to main content
  • Access Key 3 – Go to navigation

To use the access keys on your computer.

  • PC – use Alt and (access key required)
  • Mac – use CTRL and (access key required)

However, we know that using access keys is not a perfect solution and can get in the way of other software you may use.

Visual Design

  • Cascading Style Sheets have been used to control the presentation of pages and properly structured markup has been used for content
  • If stylesheets are not supported or are turned off, information on the site can still be accessed and read

Contact Information

We’ve done our best to ensure this site is as accessible as possible, but it can happen that accessibility problems do arise despite our best efforts. If you do find any accessibility barriers that affect or prevent your use and enjoyment of the site, please contact us and we’ll do our best to address the problem as soon as possible.